The Winner’s Guide to Optimist Sailing: Book Review

The Winner’s Guide to Optimist Sailing, by Gary Jobson and Jay Kehoe is the most comprehensive Opti reference we’ve found. It’s geared for beginning to intermediate levels. It’s clearly written and is suitable for both sailors and parents. The authors are highly respected sailors and coaches.

The book covers all aspects of sailing the Opti. The beginner coverage is quite comprehensive. The intermediate coverage has plenty of good tips, from sail tuning to racing strategy.

Here’s a summary of the table of contents:

  1. Welcome to Optimist Sailing
    -Brief history of the the Opti design and class
  2. Getting Started
    -Parts of the sail and boat
    -Transporting and boat care
  3. Let’s Go Sailing
    -How a boat sails, basic rigging, basic sailing
    -Launching and landing
    -Weather, waves, current, tides
  4. Fine-Tuning Your Skills
    -Intermediate techniques for rigging and sailing faster
    -Basic racing rules
  5. Racing
    -Racing strategy and tactics
    -Health and fitness
  6. Coaching Opti Sailing
    -Coaching tips
    -Drills and practice techniques
  7. For Parents Only
    -Advice for parents
  8. The Eternal Optimist
    -Other one-design classes and sailing opportunities
  9. Glossary

If you’re a parent of a beginner or intermediate Opti sailor, consider getting The Winner’s Guide to Optimist Sailing.

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