Bill Draheim on Shroud Telltales

Bill Draheim is a multiple class national champion.  Here he explains how he uses shroud telltales to quickly identify wind shifts, using an example from a practice session in which one sailor was slower to react to a lift.

Recognize Shifts Quickly with Shroud Telltales

Bill’s key point is that shroud telltales are better than luff telltales (on the jib or mainsail) for spotting shifts because:

  • They react instantly. Luff telltales may get stuck, not be visible, or be disturbed by the mast.
  • They tell you how big the shift is. Luff telltales may indicate a need for change, but won’t tell you how much.
  • You can keep your focus on the water ahead. With luff telltales, you have to look at the sail.

Watch Bill discuss this on the Quantum Sails – North Texas Facebook page.

What About Puffs and Lulls?

When using your telltales, make sure you can distinguish between a shift and a puff or lull. What looks like a shift may just be the apparent wind change due to a puff or lull. For more in this, see our post Understanding Apparent Wind: Visual Resources.

StayTales are Great Shroud Telltales

Check out the SailZing store for our unique StayTales™ – no-tangle, durable, lightweight shroud telltales. Eliminate distractions from untangling telltales before the start. Move them up and down on your shrouds without tape. Remove for transferring and they will a season or more. Available in several colors for 1/8″ and 5/32″ shroud diameters.

Sailing Lulls Tips, Part 2
Quantum Sails – North Texas Facebook Page

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